You know the drill, this one's kind of a mess. Don't listen if it doesn't help. @morrisonicpod or morrisonicpod at gmail.
Listen, if you want a real preview go to Morrisonic #130, it's still up. Otherwise, be forewarned that Pat does most of the talking this time.
@morrisonicpod morrisonicpod at
We're back in 2015 to recap a 4-1 Portland victory over Seattle! Then we're in 2020 to tell you Gaytheist has a new album! Then we go back to 2015 to preview a must tie game against LA if we have any chance of making the playoffs!!! Is your head spinning yet?
I accidentally deleted the theme song and the only copy is on a hard drive at the office. Stay safe everybody, take care of each other, those corporate ghouls don't care if you die. @morrisonicpod morrisonicpod at