Pete comes back to town to listen to Pat yell about the Blazers win over Golden State, we re-cap the game against Minnesota and express some rare sympathy for Seattle. Sorry about the audio quality, especially the last two minutes - it's all Pat's fault and he swears he is working on it. Follow us on @morrisonicpod.
Pat & Pete discuss the two friendlies, Pat plays make-believe lawyer again PLUS a fake ad for our favorite neighbors Beermongers! Also Skippy-gate! Follow us @morrisonicpod
Pat & Pete survive some audio difficulties to huddle around a single microphone and talk about the game against Houston, macroeconomic trends' effects on MLS and Pat tries to do a bit bout the newly released collective bargaining agreement. Follow us @morrisonicpod.
Pete and Pat get started podcasting about the Timbers and the other stuff. We also learn to not leave our cell phones on the desk while recording, so sorry about the last two minutes or so. Also, Everton beats Newcastle 3-0 in the bar downstairs. We don't talk about that game, but there is some mysterious cheering throughout the podcast that needed some explaining.