Pete skypes in from Spain to recap a game against Dallas (5:05) that he claimed he didn't remember and then does about 20 minutes off the top of his head with no help from Pat before previewing Saturday's game at Chicago (29:00). Don't bother tweeting @morrisonicpod because Pete won't check it. Proof of life available via email at
Pat and Pete close the office window to try to find something nice to say about that game, then talk about both kids of cats, Black Metal and Bodega, then talk a little Thorns and MLS before previewing the game against Dallas in two weeks. Email us at or look at cats @morrisonicpod.
Pete and Pat try to find the bright side in a 2-1 loss in LA, go around MLS and finish with a preview on NYRB, who didn't play an MLS game this week and have 10 new players, so are essentially unknowable. Fitch's paradox, people! Eat at Mekong Bistro at 82nd and Siskiyou!!! Email or tweet @morrisonicpod.
Pat and Pete stay late to wrap up preseason, review every stupid jersey in the stupid league (21:35) and preview our season opener against the Galaxy (48:45)! Tweet @morrisonicpod or email